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Bayesian mechanism design and Yao's principle

I attended a talk yesterday about algorithmic game theory by Alexandros Tsigonias-Dimitriadis as part of Santiago’s AGCO seminar. Here are a few elements from this talk.

Basic Bayesian auction

The very basic setting we are looking at is the following: a client (the bidder) comes to a seller (the auctioneer) with the goal of buying a particular item. The auctioneer has to set a price for the item. The bidder knows the maximum price at which she will buy the object (the value of the item for her). If the auctioneer’s price is higher than the bidder’s value, the bidder does not buy the item, and if the price is lower then the bidder buys it, but the auctioneer “loses” the difference.

In the Bayesian setting, the bidder’s value is taken following a probability distribution, and the auctioneer knows this distribution. Then, the expected revenue of the auctioneer is the price she announces, multiplied by the probability that this price is lower than the value taken by the bidder. In other words, if $F$ is the cumulative probability distribution of the value of the bidder, then the expected revenue for a price $p$ is $p \cdot (1-F(p))$. Then the auctioneer chooses a price $p$ that maximizes this quantity.


One can generalize this to work with several bidders. This is called Myerson mechanism.

The paper of Alexandros and his co-authors (Robust Revenue Maximization Under Minimal Statistical Information) goes into another direction and explores the setting where the auctioneer does not know the full distribution of the bidder, but only the mean and an upper bound on the standard deviation. (That’s why it is called robust revenue maximization.) Later they extend it to one bidder buying (or not) several items.

They show matching upper and lower bounds, and their lower bound is based on an argument similar to Yao’s minimax principle.

Minimax principle

Yao’s minimax principle is a general theorem for randomized algorithms. Basically it is saying that the best randomized algorithm on its worst instance will get the same performance as the best deterministic algorithm on the worst distribution of instances. (This needs a precise statement, to say which thing is optimized first etc.).

In the context of Alexandros, the instances are distributions (of which we know only the mean and an upper bound on the standard deviation) thus a distribution of instances is a distribution of distributions. This can be made precise, by considering a mixture of distributions.